esign Physician portal
Documents simply signed fast
SPR’s eSign Portal provides a simple, cost-effective system to streamline your physician signature process and improve revenue flow. With direct integration to our Document Control system, eSign merges e-mail, the web and your physician’s mobile devices to create a simple one step system for you to get your signatures fast.
Instead of confusing your physicians and staff with a totally different system for document signature, requiring additional training and physician education, eSign simply extends the printed document using systems with which they are already familiar – email and “printable” documents. Your staff just “prints” the documents in Document Control as they normally would, but just sends them to the eSign Portal instead of your local printer or fax server.
Your physician will be notified that there are documents to be signed via email, and reminded periodically if any unsigned documents remain. One simple click can take them to their documents without even having to remember a new a login or password. Once in the portal, the physician can view the exact documents they would have received via mail or fax in an easy to view and easy to print PDF format.
To sign, they just select the documents they want and click the “Sign Selected” button. No additional screens, no additional information required. If additional information is needed, such as on face-to-face, the physician will be prompted to enter the additional items. Once they have signed the document, the physician can go back and access documents signed in the portal at any time in the future.
The eSign portal is a mobile friendly application, allowing your physicians to complete documentation when they want, where they want and how they want.
SPR’s eSign can be implemented at your location, or as a secure fee-per-transaction system via remote hosting, further reducing your costs and improving your return on investment.